the ultimate guide to crate training dos and donts 2 scaled
Crate Training Puppies

The Ultimate Guide to Crate Training Do’s and Don’ts

Imagine having a well-behaved furry friend who can comfortably stay in their crate without any hassle. If you’re a pet owner, crate training is an essential skill that can make your life easier and your pup happier. In this handy guide, you’ll discover the dos and don’ts of crate training, ensuring that you create a positive and stress-free environment for your beloved canine companion. Whether you’re a new pet parent or looking to improve your existing training methods, this article will equip you with the knowledge and tips needed to successfully crate train your furry friend. So, let’s get started on this exciting journey towards a well-adjusted and content pupper!

The Ultimate Guide to Crate Training Dos and Donts

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Choosing the Right Crate

Size and Type

When it comes to choosing the right crate for your furry friend, size and type are two important factors to consider. The crate should be spacious enough for your dog to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. If your dog is still growing, opt for a crate that allows for some extra space to accommodate their future size.

In terms of type, there are various options available, including wire crates, plastic crates, and soft-sided crates. Each type has its own benefits, so it’s essential to assess your dog’s needs and lifestyle. For example, wire crates are more open and breathable, while plastic crates provide a sense of security and privacy.

Comfort and Safety

Ensuring your dog’s comfort and safety inside the crate is crucial for successful crate training. Make sure to add a comfortable bedding or mat to the crate, providing a cozy and inviting space for your dog. Avoid using materials that can be easily shredded or ingested, as this can pose a safety hazard.

Additionally, inspect the crate for any sharp edges or protrusions that may harm your furry friend. It’s essential to choose a crate that is sturdy and well-constructed to prevent any accidents or escapes.


Deciding on the right location for the crate is another important aspect of crate training. Place the crate in an area of your home where your dog can still feel connected to family activities, such as the living room or kitchen. This allows your dog to feel part of the household while also providing them with a sense of security.

Avoid placing the crate in isolated areas or in places with excessive noise or distractions. Find a balance between accessibility and a peaceful environment to create a positive association with the crate.

Preparing the Crate

Introduce the Crate Gradually

To ensure a positive association with the crate, it’s essential to introduce it gradually. Start by allowing your dog to explore the crate at their own pace. Leave the crate door open and put treats or toys inside to encourage them to investigate. Avoid rushing the process and give your dog the freedom to approach the crate on their terms.

Make it Cozy and Inviting

Creating a cozy and inviting environment inside the crate is key to making your dog feel comfortable. Adding a comfortable bedding or blanket can help provide a sense of security and make the crate more appealing. Consider using a familiar item with your dog’s scent, such as a recently used blanket or a piece of clothing, to further enhance their comfort.

Provide Adequate Ventilation

Proper ventilation is crucial to ensure your dog’s safety and comfort inside the crate. Choose a crate with sufficient openings or wire mesh to allow for adequate airflow. This helps regulate temperature and prevents your dog from feeling overheated or suffocated. Ensure that the crate is placed in a well-ventilated area of your home to avoid any discomfort.

See also  Tips for Choosing the Right Puppy Crate Size

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Creating a Positive Association

Reward-Based Training

Using rewards is an effective way to create a positive association with the crate. When your dog willingly enters the crate or displays calm behavior inside, reward them with treats, praise, or their favorite toy. This reinforces the idea that the crate is a positive and rewarding place to be.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement plays a crucial role in crate training. Whenever your dog exhibits desired behaviors, such as entering the crate voluntarily or staying calm inside, offer praise and rewards. This encourages them to continue associating the crate with positive experiences.

Associate Crate with Positive Experiences

To further strengthen the positive association with the crate, incorporate pleasant activities inside. Feed your dog their meals inside the crate or provide them with special treats or interactive toys. By associating the crate with enjoyable experiences, your dog will begin to see it as their own personal safe haven.

Establishing a Routine

Meal and Water Schedule

Establishing a routine for meals and water is important in crate training. Feed your dog at regular times each day and remove their food bowl after a certain period to prevent overeating. Additionally, make sure your dog has access to fresh water at all times, but remove the water bowl a couple of hours before bedtime to prevent accidents during the night.

Toilet Breaks

To avoid accidents, it’s essential to establish a routine for toilet breaks. Take your dog outside to their designated toilet area at regular intervals, especially after meals, naps, and playtime. This helps reinforce proper potty habits and prevents them from soiling their crate.

Nap and Play Time

Incorporating scheduled nap and playtime into your dog’s routine is essential for their overall well-being. Allow your dog to have a nap and play session outside the crate to promote exercise and mental stimulation. This helps them burn off energy and ensures they have ample opportunity to relieve themselves before being crated again.

The Ultimate Guide to Crate Training Dos and Donts

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Using the Crate Appropriately

Avoid Using as a Punishment

Using the crate as a form of punishment can create negative associations and hinder the crate training process. The crate should be seen as a safe and comforting space for your dog. Avoid using it as a time-out spot or a place of confinement as a form of discipline. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement and rewards to encourage desired behavior.

Don’t Leave for Extended Periods

It’s important to avoid leaving your dog in the crate for extended periods of time. Dogs are social animals and need human interaction and mental stimulation. Crating your dog for too long can lead to boredom, anxiety, or other behavioral issues. Provide regular breaks outside the crate and schedule playtime or exercise to keep your dog happy and healthy.

Use Crate for Supervised Timeouts

While the crate should not be used as a punishment, it can be used for supervised timeouts or short breaks when necessary. If your dog becomes overly excited or engaged in undesirable behavior, a brief timeout in the crate can help them calm down and reset. However, make sure to always use positive reinforcement and rewards to maintain a positive association with the crate.

See also  The Ultimate Guide to Crate Training Puppies

Crate Training a Puppy

Start Early

When crate training a puppy, it’s best to start as early as possible. Puppies are more adaptable and learn quickly, making it easier to establish good crate habits. Introduce the crate gradually, following the steps mentioned earlier, and be patient with your puppy’s adjustment process.

Create a Feeding Schedule

Establishing a feeding schedule is crucial for crate training a puppy. Puppies have smaller bladders and higher metabolism, so feeding them at consistent times can help regulate their potty habits. Avoid leaving food out throughout the day as it can make it difficult to track when they need to eliminate. Stick to the schedule and gradually increase the time between meals as your puppy grows.

Positive Reinforcement for Good Behavior

Puppies thrive on positive reinforcement, so make sure to reward them for good behavior during crate training. Use treats, praise, or their favorite toy to positively reinforce desired behaviors, such as entering the crate willingly or staying calm inside. Consistency and patience are key when crate training a puppy, so celebrate their progress and provide encouragement along the way.

The Ultimate Guide to Crate Training Dos and Donts

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Crate Training an Adult Dog

Introduce Gradually

When crate training an adult dog, it’s important to introduce the crate gradually and at their own pace. Allow your dog to explore the crate willingly, leaving the door open and using treats or toys to encourage them. Ensure that the crate is comfortable and inviting, and provide positive reinforcement for any signs of interest or calm behavior.

Use Treats and Rewards

Positive reinforcement is just as important for crate training adult dogs as it is for puppies. Use treats and rewards to encourage your dog to enter and stay inside the crate. Praise them when they exhibit calm behavior or willingly enter the crate. This will help create a positive association and make the crate training process more enjoyable for your furry friend.

Patience and Consistency

Crate training an adult dog may require more patience and consistency compared to puppies. Some adult dogs may have had negative experiences with crates in the past, so it’s essential to approach crate training with understanding and compassion. Be consistent in your training methods and provide plenty of positive reinforcement. With time and patience, your adult dog can learn to view the crate as a safe and comfortable space.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Not Gradually Increasing Alone Time

One common mistake in crate training is not gradually increasing alone time in the crate. Dogs need to adapt to spending time alone without feeling anxious or distressed. Start by leaving your dog in the crate for short periods, gradually increasing the duration as they become more comfortable. This helps prevent separation anxiety and ensures a smooth transition to longer periods of crate time.

Ignoring Signs of Distress

It’s crucial not to ignore signs of distress or anxiety when crate training your dog. Barking excessively, panting, drooling, or trying to escape the crate are indications that your dog is uncomfortable or anxious. If you notice these signs, address the issue promptly and assess whether any adjustments need to be made, such as providing additional comfort or consulting a professional trainer.

Letting the Dog Out When Whining

While it can be tempting to let your dog out of the crate when they start whining or barking, it’s important to resist the urge. Giving in to these demands can reinforce negative behavior and make it more challenging to crate train your dog in the long run. Instead, wait for a moment of calmness or quietness before opening the crate door, reinforcing good behavior and patience.

See also  The Complete Puppy Crate Training Guide

Troubleshooting Crate Training Issues

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a common issue that may arise during crate training. Some dogs may become anxious or distressed when left alone in the crate. To address separation anxiety, gradually increase alone time in the crate, provide comfort items such as familiar bedding or clothing with your scent, and consider using calming aids like pheromone diffusers or calming music. In severe cases, seeking guidance from a professional trainer or behaviorist can be helpful.

Excessive Barking

Excessive barking can disrupt the crate training process and disturb your household. When your dog barks excessively in the crate, avoid rewarding or reinforcing the behavior by letting them out. Instead, wait for a moment of silence before opening the crate door or provide a distraction, such as a toy or puzzle feeder, to redirect their attention. Consistency and positive reinforcement for calm behavior can help reduce excessive barking.

Fear or Aversion to the Crate

Some dogs may develop fear or aversion towards the crate, making crate training more challenging. In such cases, it’s important to assess the cause of the fear and address it gradually. Start by associating positive experiences with the crate, such as treat-feeding or playing near the crate. Gradually introduce your dog to the crate and use positive reinforcement to help them overcome their fear. Patience, understanding, and avoiding any forceful or abrupt actions are essential when dealing with fear or aversion towards the crate.

Gradual Transition to Unrestricted Freedom

Increasing Time Outside the Crate

As your dog becomes more comfortable and trustworthy, you can gradually increase their time outside the crate. Start by allowing short periods of supervised freedom in a designated area of your home. This helps them build confidence and develop good behavior habits. Be attentive to their actions and provide positive reinforcement when they exhibit appropriate behavior.

Supervised Freedom in a Room

Once your dog consistently demonstrates good behavior during short periods of freedom, you can expand their privileges to a larger, supervised space in your home. This can be a dog-proofed room or an area separated by baby gates. Give your dog gradual access to this space, and ensure it’s safe and free from any hazards. Continue to monitor their behavior and provide rewards for desirable actions.

Full House Privileges

Once your dog has proven reliable with supervised freedom, you can gradually grant them full house privileges. However, it’s important to remember that not all dogs will be ready for unrestricted freedom at the same time. Some dogs may require more time or continued supervision. Take your time and make the transition gradually, rewarding good behavior and always prioritizing your dog’s safety and well-being.

Crate training can be a valuable tool in ensuring your dog’s safety, comfort, and well-being. By choosing the right crate, gradually introducing it, and creating positive associations, you can establish a routine and use the crate appropriately. Remember to avoid common mistakes and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. With time, patience, and consistency, crate training can be a positive and successful experience for both you and your furry companion.

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Hi, I'm, the author behind MetalDogCrate. As the founder of this blog, I am passionate about providing high-quality content on durable dog crates and tips to help you provide the best for your beloved pets. With a focus on metal dog crates, my mission is to review and recommend the finest products available in the market. Besides product reviews, I also share articles, guides, and other related information to help you make informed decisions when it comes to selecting the perfect crate for your furry friend. Join me on this journey of ensuring the comfort and safety of our four-legged companions at MetalDogCrate.